Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pacific Islander Vote 2012


I'm DONE with my internship in Washington, DC but started a whole 'nother chapter in Southern California with electoral activity. APIAVote, APALC, & EPIC started up a Pacific Islander (non-partisan) Voter Campaign, ELEVATE YOUR VOICE! Our efforts are going full blast with 5 different Pacific Islander Organizations trying to GET OUT THE VOTE with 1,000 new Pacific Islander voters! Check us out on facebook, instagram and twitter! Make a shoutout, post a picture of your voter efforts, or tell us WHY IT'S IMPORTANT TO VOTE & ELEVATE YOUR VOICE! I'm looking forward for yall posts ;) Tau toki sio!

----I have an online voter registration widget on the side of this page---->>>

FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pacific-Islander-Vote-2012/105462832939485

Instagram: @PacificIslanderVote2012

Twitter: @PIVote2012